Why “YourNerdCouple” Exists
Hey there, I’m Emily. My fiancé is Nathan and I created this website as a helpful go-to destination for:
Couples seeking advice for their relationship
Someone who has a “nerdy” partner and are curious about how to connect with their interests/ hobbies
Gift ideas for their partner who’s interested in anime, gaming, and general pop culture.
(Coming soon) Pop-culture themed and/or replicated recipes
Work With Me
As I’m expanding my website, so will my topics. I plan on creating more content relative to the season and upcoming holidays with others in between.
I can work through paid or affiliate partnerships.
Dedicated articles about your brand/ product
Article inclusions in existing articles with updated SEO
Reviews of your product/ brand if it fits with my typical content
To discuss ideas, please reach out to:
YourNerdCouple [at] Gmail [dot] com